Friday, November 16, 2007

It's 7am and I'm about to come alive

Yes, incredible isn't? Oh yeah AND it's seven o'clock in the morning. At the danger of publicly embarrassing myself by expressing my thoughts and feelings, which I already wear on my sleeve and throw them out there for any and all to read, I decided to start a blog. To be honest, I can't tell you why, I just woke up this morning with three thoughts; one: I want to start running again, two: the Lord loves me, and three: I should start a blog. Lol, yeah no kidding! I've been sick lately so getting outside in the cold right now is not really an option, and so here I am, with mixed emotions, typing away.

So whats the big thought for today Chris?........Hmmm, honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe the title of this blog says it all. For anybody that knows me, you also know that me and mornings are not friends.....not at all. You know that I've struggled recently with making money, and that I desperately want to save enough to get back into school in the spring to finish up my bachelors degree. I've been really trying to be a good person, above anything else, to make people feel better about themselves after they leave my presence than before. I have been feeling closer to the Lord than ever.....yet still struggle with things that seem to come easier to some. With all this to consider, I'm up, and ready to take life on another day. I will not give up, I will not believe those who may doubt me, I will simply put my faith in God and my best foot forward and move along the beaten path. I may stumble and fall at times but I will move forward and continue to be happy no matter where life leads me. Because if there is one thing I've learned in life, its that you can never tell exactly whats going to happen next. Life runs fast but I'd like to think that I can run just a little faster, with the support of my good friends and family, I'll cross that finish line.

1 comment:

Megan said...

You will because you are a good person who tries hard and keeps going no matter what the battle. You will make it because you are Chris Shane and Chris Shane doesn't give up. No matter what!