Friday, February 22, 2008

What is out..........

O.k, something happened today that got me thinking, and the end result is a new blog segment that I shall call: "What Is Out," or in other words; what is definitely NOT "in." This great idea came to me, as do many great ideas, while I was on the Jon, which is actually kind of ironic come to think of it. You see, while I was out running errands for the boss, I was overcome by a tremendous feeling... a feeling that if I didn't get to a bathroom soon I would urinate in my pants. Needless to say I found a gas station and there did my business. While this transaction was taking place I couldn't help but notice the unusual struggle the man in the stall next to me was having "dropping his kids off at the pool." I mean it wasn't anything crazy, but by the sounds of the labored breathing, one might assume that the man had just run a race of some sort. So with the risk that I have already given too much info. I will just leave at this: heavy, audible, labored breaths while poohing in a public stall is most definitely OUT!


Anonymous said...

Chris, that's disgusting.

I just had to say that.

Megan said...

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Gross!